
Rats that eat high levels of a natural sugar known as fructose(果糖) seem to age faster than other rats-and the same could be true for people who eat too much sweet junk food, Israeli researchers said Monday. Fructose, found naturally in honey and fruit, is used widely in foods ranging from soft drinks to yogurt. But while its sweet taste is popular, the sugar could cause wrinkles, the researchers said. Dr. Moshe Werman and Boaz Levi of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology fed large amounts of fructose to laboratory rats. Writing in the Journal of Nutrition, they said the fructose-fed实验室需用CuSO4·5H2O体配制480mL0.1mol/L的CuSO4溶液,请回答下列问题: (1)应用托盘天平称取CuSO4·5H2O晶体­­­_______g。 (2)若在称量样品时,药品放在天平右盘上,砝码放在天平左盘上(1g以下使用游码),天平平衡时,实际称量的CuSO4·5H2O晶体是__________g。 (3)本实验用到的主要仪器有:托盘天平、量筒、烧杯、玻璃棒、________、________。 (4)配制过程中有几个关键的步骤和操作如下图所示:将这些实验步骤A—F按实验过程先后次序排 列                             。 其中定容的具体操作是                                                                   。 (5)以下情况会使所配溶液的浓度产生何种影响(A.偏高  B.偏低  C.不变,填序号。): ①溶解晶体用的烧杯和玻璃棒未洗涤:____________; ②定容时俯视刻度线:____________; ③所用CuSO4·5H2O晶体已失去部分结晶水:____________。
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