
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】How did the man get interested in baseball?A.From his college friends.B.From his high school teachers.C.From the grown-ups around him.【2】When did the man play baseball much?A.After his retirement.B.During his school years.C.When being a professional player. 答案:【答案】【1】C【2】B【解析】【原文】W: John, what sports do you like?M: Well, my favourite sport is baseball. As you know, my father and most of his friends were baseball players, so I was always around baseball.W: Wow, that’s great!M: Yeah. I played baseball pretty much through my high school and university.W: Then, why did you stop?M: Well, it wasn’t exactly by choice. I didn老奶奶用放大镜看报纸时,为了看到更大更清晰的像,应将 [  ] A.报纸与眼睛不动,放大镜离报纸远一些 B.报纸与眼睛不动,放大镜离报纸近一些 C.报纸与放大镜不动,眼睛离报纸近一些 D.报纸与放大镜不动,眼睛离报纸远一些
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