
A cell phone is one of the few things that we hold close to our faces all the time, and yet it could possibly explode – this is what made the recent Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 smart phone accidents so shocking.According to technology news website, The Verge, flawed (有瑕疵的) phone batteries might be to blame.Even if you are not a science student, you probably know that it is common sense that the negative end and the positive end of the battery should never touch. If they do, the battery will short-circuit (短路), causing a powerful electrical reaction that can destroy the battery and 小刚有一个圆柱形状的水杯,水杯的底面直径是5cm,高是10cm.有资料显示:“每人每天的正常饮水量大约是1L.”小刚一天要喝大约________杯水. [  ] A.4 B.5 C.3 D.8
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