
阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。On February 19, 2018, the popular documentary A Bite of China, which explores the relationship between Chinese people and food, returned to CCTV for its third season. Following the huge success of A Bite of China I in 2012 and A Bite of China II in 2014, A Bite of China III was also produced by CCTV. The public had high hopes for it. The chief director of the documentary Liu Hongyan said she wanted to make people admire the beauty of Chinese food while discovering the rich culture behind it.A Bite of China III has eight epi《新唐书·魏征传》记载:征见秦王(李世民)功高,阴劝太子(李建成)早为计。太子败,王责谓曰:“尔阋(争吵)吾兄弟,奈何?”答曰:“太子早从征言,不死今日之祸。”王器其直,无恨意。材料反映了( ) ①唐太宗任人唯贤 ②魏征为人刚直,敢于说实话 ③唐太宗尊重魏征的意见 ④魏征在唐太宗夺取政权中发挥重要作用A.①②③④B.①②③C.①②D.②③④
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