
阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。How do you feel when you have to makea speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do youget really shy?Shyness means feeling nervous orafraid when you're around other people. Experts have found that more than 80%of middle school students feel afraid to be the center of attention. Some kidsare born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences(经历). It's OK if it takes you a while tofeel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact,everybo读 “我国四大地理区域示意图”,完成以下小题。 1.图中的①、②、③、④分别代表我国四大地理区域,其中水热资源最丰富的是 A.①                            B.②            C.③                       D.④ 2.图中椭圆甲、乙、丙、丁中,交通网比较稠密的是 A.甲、乙                            B.乙、丙        C.丙、丁                     D.甲、丁
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