
ask walk be make regard A mother often takes a walk with her fifteen-year-old son. But recently she found things changed. The young man always kept alone in front of her while they 【1】together on the street. She thought he didn’t love her any more.One day, the mother couldn’t stop 【2】her son, “Tommy, do you feel shamed (羞耻的) when we walk together on the street? If that 【3】true, I’ll never ask you to walk with me again.”“Oh, no, Mom! You misunderstood(误会) me!” said the young boy with a shy smile. “I 84.【4】you as the best Mom in the world ever since I wa下列标点符号使用有错误的一项是( )A. 《惠崇〈春江晚景〉》选自《苏轼诗集》(中华书局1982年版)。B. 大量事实证明:沉溺于网络会影响青少年的身心健康,所以我们要理性上网。C. 中央电视台经济频道将组织完成以“健康生活”为主题的电视活动。D. 什么地方我曾经看见这样一棵苍老的枸杞树呢?是在某处的山里么?是在另一个地方的花园里么?
英语 试题推荐