
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Also known as Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras in New Orleans is a 【1】 (culture) scene like the USA version of Carnival. But there is some debate over whether it was NOLA or Mobile, Alabama that had the first Mardi Gras back in 【2】1700s. Regardless 【3】 who did it first, few would argue that the New Orleans festival is the best. It 【4】 (begin) with social events in November. Some private balls 【5】 (hold) on Thanksgiving Day and New Year's Eve, with parades and more private balls throughout J小亮的体重为600牛顿,他想粗略地测算自己在单杠上做引体向上运动的功率。他用尺量出握拳时手臂的长度为0.65m,并测出自己连续拉上去5次的时间为10s(如图所示),请计算:(1)小亮在这段时间内克服重力所做的功为多少?⑵小亮做引体向上运动的功率为多大?
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