
I was reading a book in my chair in the living room_________my son was watching a show on TV. Suddenly, I heard someone in the show shout out happily, “Go to your happy place! I looked up and saw that my son was laughing. After hearing those words and seeing my son's happy face, I _______all my happy places.When I was a little boy, my happy place was my mother's lap(大腿). I could sit there and_______ shared a piece of cake. When I was in elementary(小学) school, my happy place was a tree. I could sit under it and watch the leaves_________golden in the fall. When I was a teenager, my hap小江计划将池塘的鱼在年底打捞出来运往某地出售,为了预订车辆运输,必须知道鱼塘内共有多少千克的鱼,他第一次从鱼塘中打捞出100条鱼,共240kg,作上记号后,又放回鱼塘.过了两天,又捞出200条鱼,共510kg,且发现其中有记号的鱼只有4条.(1)估计鱼塘中总共有多少条鱼?(2)若平均每千克鱼可获利润5元,预计小江今年卖鱼总利润约多少钱?
英语 试题推荐