
阅读理解 In France, a man walks on what can only be described as a human-sized hamster wheel. The wheel moves around and around, as the man keeps walking. What is he doing? He is lifting a heavy object to the top of a tower the same way workers moved such objects 800 years ago. In the 13th century, workers did not have the 100-meter tall cranes they now use to build tall buildings. So they had to be creative and come up with simple machines to get their work done. The man on the large wheel is walking at a reasonable speed. The wheel turns and pulls a rope connected to a pulley(滑轮)at t探究创新全练(2015山东枣庄中考) 读图8-1-8、8-1-9、8-1-10,完成下列问题。(1) 北京的地理坐标是       ;北京最主要的城市职能是       。(2) 请列举两处北京市列人《世界遗产名录》的名胜古迹:       、       。京津冀协同发展要以优化区域分工和产业布局为重点,以环境质量持续改善为保障,努力实现优势互补、共赢发展。(3) 依据京津冀产业协同发展规划(图8-1-8) ,大型跨国银行的总部应该布局在       ;大型海洋工程装备制造企业应该布局在       ,现代钢铁企业和煤化工企业应该布局在       。(4) 近年来,京津冀多次陷人严重的雾霾天气,空气质量下降,给人们的生产、生活及身体健康带来了较大危害。请结合图8-1-9,提出降低或缓解雾霾天气发生的具体措施            。(回答两点即可)   南水北调中线工程于2014年12月12日正式通水,甘甜的长江水源源不断输送到北京。(5) 请结合图8-1-10,简要分析北京缺水的自然原因            。  (6) 北京的初中生小华知道这一消息后,激动地对同学说:“长江水取之不竭,我们再也不用节约用水了! ”你是否同意他的观点,并说出理由:                  。
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