
Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage(将标题与文章段落配对) A. What should budding(初露头角的)chefs try first?B. What do kids learn in the kitchen?C. Why is it important for kids to learn about food?D. How do parents get their kids busy in the kitchen?【1】I’ve found that when kids cook, they’re more likely to taste new foods and eat dinner well! More than once, I felt sad when my children refused to eat what I’d prepared. But when they’re involved(参与)in the cooking, they’re interested in the meal.【2】A UK study found that if a下列关于质量的说法中正确的是( )A. 同一物理书在娄底和北京的质量是一样的B. 水结成冰后质量变大了C. 1kg的棉花比1kg的铁块质量小D. 将铁块压成铁饼,质量减小了 A 【解析】A、同一物理书在北京和娄底只是位置不同,质量不变,故A正确; B、水结成冰后,状态发生了变化,质量不变,故B错误; C、1kg的棉花和1kg的铁块的质量相等,故C错误; D、把铁块压成铁饼,形状发生变化,质量不变,故D错误。 故选A。
英语 试题推荐