
I don't like the red (sock), but my sister likes them so much. 答案:【1】socks阅读短文,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。shoe,he,have,happy,for,outside,hear,what,sad,feel,so,whichIt was Christmas Day.Tina was alone in the great city house.Her parents went to the hospital because their oldest boy was ill."What a boring Christmas!" Tina thought to herself. At that moment,she  小题1:  music in the street. She ran to the window and saw a little boy  小题2:.He was singing and beating a drum.Tina saw that he wore no 小题3: ."Are you cold?" asked Tina.The little boy smiled,but she couldn't hear  小题4:  he said.So she told him to come in. He was a little nervous,but the carpet (地毯) felt warm to 小题5:  poor feet.He told Tina that his name was Guido.And he was very poor, 小题6:  poor that he had to go singing from house to house for some money to buy his dinner. "My mama is away,and I am   小题7:  a sad Christmas.But I'll try to make it nice  小题8: you," said Tina.They played games and Guido sang to her.Then they had a big dinner. Guido was very happy.That night,Tina told her mother, " Now I know something.Whenever you  小题9:  sad and lonely,find somebody  小题10:  and lonelier than yourself and cheer them up.It will make you feel all right. "
英语 试题推荐