
Volleyball is very popular. Today there are more than 46 million(百万). Americans playing volleyball. About 800 million players around the world play volleyball about once a week. Do you like playing volleyball? Let's talk a little about it.Volleyball started from America. In 1895, William G. Morgan blended (融合)basketball tennis and handball(手球)to make a game for his students. He was a teacher at the Young Men's Christian Association(基督教青年会)in Holyoke,Mass. At first, he just wanted to let the older students in his class exercise. And it was not called volleyball at th已知A、B、C、D、E、F六种物质间有如下的转变关系(发生的反应都是化合反应),其中A、B、C在通常情况下是三种无色无味的气体,且C为化合物,D是一种无色的液体氧化物,F是一种能使紫色石蕊试液变红的物质.(1)请写出有关物质的化学式:A    B    C    D    E    F    (2)写出下列变化的化学方程式:A+B→D:    C+B→E:    D+E→F:    .
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