
秦汉时期,统治者不断加强中央对地方的控制,实现了政治上的大一统。阅读材料,回答问题。材料一 《中国大历史》:“周代的诸候,有王室的家属、商之子孙,和现有各部落国家的首长。他们按国之大小,理论上以五等面积,封为五级。这些诸侯各按所封地距国王都城的距离而有不同的功能和义务”《廿二史礼记》:“自古皆封建诸侯,各君其国,卿大夫亦世其官……其后积弊日甚……”《史记·秦始皇本纪》中记载“天下共苦战斗不休,以有侯 1.We had a lot of fun _______ (sing) in the classroom. 2.She decided ________ (buy) the red dress. 3.This sound made the baby ________ (cry). 4.Most boys enjoy _______ (play) football after school. 5.The shop is always ______ (crowd) on weekends. 6. Would you like _____ (go) shopping with me? 7.I saw a little girl ______ (look) for her parents on the street when I walked across it. 8.______ (be) you at the shop last Friday? 9.The boy spends a lot of time ________ (practice) the piano in the room. 10.Look! Who _______ (stand) near the door?
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