
阅读下面的文言文,完成后面小题。 袁枢,字机仲,建之建安人。幼力学,尝以《修身为弓赋》试国子监,周必大、刘珙皆期以远器。试礼部,词赋第一人,教授兴化军。 为礼部试官。常喜诵司马光《资治通鉴》,苦其浩博,乃区别其事而贯通之,号《通鉴纪事本末》。参知政事龚茂良得其书奏于上孝宗读而嘉叹以赐东宫及分赐江上诸帅且令熟读曰治道尽在是矣。 他日,上问袁枢何官,茂良以实对,上曰:“可与寺监簿。”于是以大宗正簿召登对,Richard Gere ________ a super model called Cindy Crawford in 1991, but they ended their marriage in 1995. Actually, they _________ only for four years since they fell in love with each other.A. was married to; got married B. got married to; have marriedC. married; have been married D. got married with; are married
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