
I was headed out the door the other day with my two sons. We were going to drive to the local grocery(杂货) store to pick up a few things that we had run out of during the week. I shut the door quickly because my dogs were already barking at being left behind in the house. We headed down the hill but when I reached into my pocket for the car keys, they weren’t there. Shaking my head, I walked back up the hill and saw my keys still dangling from the hook(挂钩) where I always hang them.This, of course, isn’t the only time I have forgotten something recently. In fact, it seems to be h19.读图一和图二,回答下列问题(1)长江和黄河发源于①青藏高原.(2)黄河下游河段形成图二景观的原因:黄河中游穿行于土质疏松、植被稀少的黄土高原,在夏季暴雨的冲刷下,水土流失严重;下游在华北平原上,河床宽坦,水流缓慢,泥沙大量淤积,使河床抬高,成为举世闻名的地上河.(3)长江上中游的分界点是宜昌,中下游的分界点是湖口.(4)长江从源头到入海口纵贯我国东西,干支流纵横交错,航运价值巨大,被誉为我国的“黄金水道”(5)南水北调工程就是把长江水系的水资源通过引水工程调到我国严重缺水的西北地区和华北 地区.
英语 试题推荐