
听录音,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。(____)1. Kate is a Chinese girl. (____)2. Kate lives in England now. (____)3. It is cool and windy in autumn in Beijing. (____)4. It is hot in the morning. (____)5. Kate doesn't like the weather in Beijing. 答案:【答案】F F T F T 【解析】My name is Kate. I am from England. Now I live in Beijing. The weather in Beijing is very different from that in England. It is cold in spring. It is rainy and hot in summer. It is cool and windy in autumn. It is cold and snowy in winter. It is very cool or cold in the morning and hot at noon. I don't like the weather here.A、B两所学校在一条东西走向公路的同旁,以公路所在直线为x轴建立如图所示的平面直角坐标系,且点A的坐标是(2,2),点B的坐标是(7,3).(1)一辆汽车由西向东行驶,在行驶过程中是否存在一点C,使C点到A、B两校的距离相等,如果有?请用尺规作图找出该点,保留作图痕迹,不求该点坐标.(2)若在公路边建一游乐场P,使游乐场到两校距离之和最小,通过作图在图中找出建游乐场P的位置,并求出它的坐标.
英语 试题推荐