
根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (1) Yao Ming, one of China's best ever basketball players, is more than 2 meters t. (2) Her hair is not curly. It's s. (3) Jackie is of medium h means Jackie is neither tall nor short. (4) He likes seeing the movies. He wants to be an a. (5) He is very fat. So he is h. 答案:【1】tall 【1】straight 【1】height 【1】actor 【1】heavy据《光荣与梦想》一书记载:20世纪30年代初,苏联在纽约的美苏贸易公司,平均每天收到350份要求移居苏联的申请书,有一次该公司登广告招募6000名熟练技工,报名应聘的竟达到10万人之多,包括化学家、教员、牙科医生等。导致这种现象出现的主要原因是A.苏联推行新经济政策 B.罗斯福新政的实施 C.苏联国民生产总值超过美国 D.经济大危机的爆发
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