
2019年6月起,中共中央在全党开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育,用党的创新理论武装头脑,推动全党更加自觉地为实现新时代党的历史使命不懈奋斗。主题教育的扎实推进有利于①提升党的领导能力和执政水平②坚定广大党员干部的理想信念③完善中国特色社会主义政党制度④增强党对国家命运的决定性作用A.①② B.③④ C.①④ D.②③ 完型填空 Who invented tea? Did you know that tea, the most popular   1   in the world, was invented by   2  ?Although tea wasn’t brought to the   3   world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.According   4   an ancient   5   legend, the emperor Shen Nung discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.The emperor   6   that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant   7  .Later he decided to   8   the hot mixture.It was quite   9  .And in this way, one of the world’s favorite   10   was invented. (1) [  ] A. water B. juice C. drink D. food (2) [  ] A. accident B. mistake C. chance D. the way (3) [  ] A. eastern B. western C. foreign D. modern (4) [  ] A. in B. for C. at D. to (5) [  ] A. English B. German C. Chinese D. Western (6) [  ] A. knew B. noticed C. smelt D. thought (7) [  ] A. taste B. smell C. drink D. food (8) [  ] A. taste B. smell C. drink D. try (9) [  ] A. bad B. sweet C. delicious D. strange (10) [  ] A. foods B. tea C. drinks D. water
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