
Pancake Day is a special day and it is celebrated in many countries all around the world. On this day many people make and eat pancakes.Pancake Day is on a ____ in February or March. It is the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent (大斋节). Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter. Easter is on a different day each year _____ it depends on (取决于) the moon. Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon _____ spring. During Lent, people often _____eating things that are bad for ____ like fast food. _____, they make pancakes during Lent.Pancakes are very easy to make. First,A、B、C、D、E、F六种物质的转化关系如图所示(反应条件和部分产物未标出)(1)若A为短周期金属单质,D为短周期非金属单质,且所含元素的原子序数A是D的2倍,所含元素的原子最外层电子数D是A的2倍,F的浓溶液与A、D反应都有红棕色气体生成,则物质C中所含化学键类型为 ,写出反应④的化学方程式 .(2)若A为常见的金属单质,D、F是气态单质,反应①在水溶液中进行,则反应②(在水溶液中进行)的离子方程式是 ,检验E物质中阳离子的操作和现象 ,A单质与1mol/L稀硝酸160mL恰好反应,最多消耗A单质 g.(3)若A、D、F都是短周期非金属元素单质,且A、D所含元素同主族,A、F所含元素同周期,则反应①的化学方程式为 ,写出D单质的一种用途 .
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