
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Guilt is one of the most painful emotions that human experience but also one of the most common. Nobody enjoys feeling guilty, but this emotion serves an important purpose: It alerts a person when he or she has done something wrong. This enables the person to make amends and work to heal relationships that were damaged by their actions 【1】Nevertheless, guilt can be destructive if it is not dealt with in读三圈环流垂直剖面图,回答下列问题: (1)此图位于北半球还是南半球        。 (2)图中字母位于300和600的分别是       和        。 (3)A处的降水类型多以     雨为主;B处是       风带,北半球吹     风。在G点上空观察F近地面风带呈      方向运动。 (4)仅从气压带和风带考虑,图中字母表示的地方多雨的是       ;请简要说明多雨的原因                                             。 (5)受A和B交替控制形成的气候类型是            ;受C和B交替控制形成的气候类型是            ;受C和D交替控制形成的气候类型是                。 (6)若一架飞机从赤道飞向极地,飞行高度始终保持离地面15000M,则此飞机先在         (大气层)中飞行,后在         层中飞行。当飞机在F地上空时,飞机一装有温度计的降落伞坠落,问温度计读数的变化情况                                    。
英语 试题推荐