
汽油机在压缩冲程中,气体的温度升高,是通过_________的方式增加内能。在压缩冲程结束时,火花产生电火花,使燃料剧烈燃烧,产生高温高压的燃气,推动活塞做功。为了降低汽缸缸体的温度,汽缸外有一个水箱体,使汽缸被水包围着,这是通过__________的方式减少汽缸内能的。用水来包围汽缸是因为水的_______________。看图填词It is a Tree-Planting Day. The 1. is shining. ZhaoWen 2. CaoLanfang are planting trees 3. the river. Zhao Wen has 4. a hole large enough for the 5. . But the hole is not too deep. Cao Lanfang is now ready to 6. the tree into the 7. . Then they will put the earth 8. in it again and get water 9. the river to 10. the tree. They had a hard but nice day。
物理 试题推荐