
National parks are large of areas of public land . They give a safe home for local plants and animal . They help keep the air and water clean . They also give us the best trips . Today ,there are nearly 7,000 national parks around the world . Forbes has listed 12 of the most beautiful ones in the world that will surprise you with their amazing landscape ,geographic wonders and colorful plants and animals .The Grand Canyon National Park of the US is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World . It is best known for its size and depth . It is 446 kilometers long ,up to 29 kilometers wide ,an已知水稻抗病(R)对感病(r)为显性,有芒(B)对无芒为显性,两对基因自由组合,体细胞染色体数为24条。现用单倍体育种方法选育抗病、有芒水稻新品种。 (1)诱导单倍体所用的花药,应取自基因型为________的植株。 (2)为获得上述植株,应采用基因型为________和________的两亲本进行杂交。 (3)在培养过程中,单倍体有一部分能自然加倍成为二倍体植株,该二倍体植株花粉表现________(可能或不育),结实性为________(结实或不结实),体细胞染色体数为________。 (4)在培养过程中,一部分花药壁细胞能发育成植株,该二倍体植株花粉表现________(可能或不育),结实性为________(结实或不结实),体细胞染色体数为________。 (5)自然加倍植株和花药壁植株中都存在抗病、有芒的表现型。为获得稳定遗传的抗病、有芒新品种,本实验应选以上两种植株中的___________植株,因为自然加倍植株_____________,花药壁植株______________。 (6)鉴别上述自然加倍植株与花药壁植株的方法是__________________________________    
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