
How to Enjoy Life As a TeenThe best years of your life? Maybe not, but you can learn to make the most of your high school days.【小题1】. Whether it's having a computer, having friends, having a good supply of food, a bed to sleep on, family that loves you or simply being born in this world. Remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it. Be happy, and life will reward you. Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility(责任) of an adult.Choose your friends wisely. Unlike what many articles state, you景城(在今河北境内)有姜三莽者,勇而戆(g4ng,鲁莽)。一日,||||阅读下边文段,然后答题。   景城(在今河北境内)有姜三莽者,勇而戆(g4ng,鲁莽)。一日,闻人说宋定伯卖鬼得钱事,大喜曰:“吾今乃知鬼可缚。如每夜缚一鬼,唾使变羊,晓而牵于市,足供一日酒肉资矣。”于是夜荷梃(棍棒)执绳,潜行墟墓间,如猎者之伺狐兔,竞不能遇。即素有称鬼之处,佯醉寝以诱致之,亦寂然无睹。一夕,隔林如数磷火(俗称“鬼火”),踊跃奔赴,未至间,已星散去。懊悔而返。如是月余,无所谓,乃止。 [注释]宋定伯:一个胆大的人,曾经与鬼搏斗,将鬼捆绑后,用口水唾之,鬼变成了羊,宋定伯将其卖后,得了不少钱。 (1)解释文中加粗的词: 闻: 乃: 唾: 市: 潜: 睹: (2)翻译划线句子: ①景城有姜三莽者,勇而戆。__________________________________ ②如是月余,无所谓,乃止。__________________________________ (3)姜三莽捉鬼的原因:_____________________________________ (4)姜三莽寻鬼时的情形是:(用原文中的句子答)_____________ 结果是:_________________________________________ (5)姜三莽在“素称有鬼之处”捉鬼,为什么却连“鬼”影儿也不见呢?作者写这个故事的用意是什么? 原因:_______________________________________________________ 用意:_______________________________________________________ (6)请给这个短文加上一个标题:______________________________
英语 试题推荐