
Today companies have branches around the world. More than 11% of the US managers and workers work online either full-time or part-time, and that number is continuing growing. It is believed that it is a waste of time and money to fly around the world for face-to-face meeting. An effective solution to this problem is to use Web meetings.A large group of presentations, training classes and meetings are done online without losing the face-to-face experience. Web meetings are online meetings where an organizer invites attendees(参会人员) to listen to or watch an online presentation by presente取两个相同的验电器A和B,使A带电,B不带电,可以看到A的金属锡箔张开,B的金属锡箔闭合(如图).用带绝缘柄的金属棒将A和B上的金属球连接起来,则A、B金属箔张角的变化情况是( )A.A和B都不变 B.A变小,B张开 C.A变大,B不变 D.A闭合,B张开
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