
补全对话 A:Wasn't that a successful sports meeting?B:Yeah!A:【1】B:I thought my friend,Wu Yun,was the best.He's an excellent ball shooter.A:Yeah,he was great.And I thought Li Lin was the funniest.A:【2】I couldn't stop laughing when he was running with some red balls.And how about Lu Lu?【3】A:Yeah,I'd say she was the most excellent runner!【4】B:Who did you think was the worst?A:Oh,Pen Tian!He was terrible!【5】B:I know.A:What did you think of the Teacher Soccer Team?B:Well,they played in a funny way. A.Me too!B.I've never seen a girl who can run so fast!C.I don't know.D.Was为了测出植物油的密度,小兵同学在学校做了如下实验:(1)他先用调节好的天平测出了烧杯和植物油的总质量为116g,然后将一部分植物油倒入图甲的量筒中,再测出剩余植物油和烧杯的质量为92g,由图19甲可知植物油的体积为______cm3,植物油的密度为______kg/m3.(2)小兵在实验结束后,从天平左盘将装有植物油的烧杯取下,图乙是小兵在后面的操作中整理器材时的情景,其中操作不规范的是______.
英语 试题推荐