
In moving to another country it is not uncommon to experience culture shock. As a Chinese person in Britain, I am no different.Basically, there are five stages of culture shock.Stage one can be called the Tourist stage. If you travel a lot, you'll agree with me. Everything in a new place is very exciting to a tourist.【1】After all, tourists don't usually stay too long in one place.The second stage is the shock stage”.【2】 I am new in the country. Will someone cheat or rob me? I don't know anybody here and I miss home. Luckily, my shock period was quite short. I had so many things to do“春者天之所以生,仁者君之所以爱也;夏者天之所以长也,德者君之所以养也;霜者天之所以杀也,刑者君之所以罚也。……天有春生夏长冬杀,人也有仁慈德爱刑罚,天有是理,人有此行。”材料主要论述A.大一统思想 B.“天人感应”思想 C.万物的本原是道 D.“君权神授”理论 
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