
Ren Kexin is preparing a Christmas gift for her best friend. It is a cross-stitch (十字绣). Making the gift takes up a lot of her free time.“I’m interested in making gifts myself,” said the Grade 10 girl, “and I believe my friend will like it very much.”Many Chinese students make gifts instead of buying them. Ren is one of them. A DIY gift is not only cheaper but also interesting to make and it has a special meaning. Teenagers also make other gifts like bracelets (手链), Chinese knots (中国结). “Gift shops may sell many of them, but any gift you make yourself is unique (独—_____.—It’s nothing to worry about. I never liked it anyway.A.I lost my walkman this morningB.I feel awful. I’ve got a coldC.I feel terrible, but I’ve left your tape somewhereD.I’m sorry, but we don’t have that medicine
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