
The Sydney Opera House is a very famous building in the world. It has become Sydney’s best-known landmark. The Sydney Opera House with a “sailing roof” was designed by Utzon from Denmark. The base for the building was started in 1959,years before the designs were finished. It took 14 years in total to build the Sydney Opera House. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II officially opened in on October 20th,1973.The Sydney Opera House cost a lot of Australian dollars and was paid for by public. Each year,this fantastic building attracts millions of tourists to come for a visit or enjoy event已知A={x|x2+2x-8≥0},B={x|9-3x≤2x+19},C={x|x2+2ax+2≤0}.(1)若不等式bx2+10x+c≥0的解集为A∩B,求b、c的值;(2)设全集U=R,若C⊆B∪CUA,求实数a的取值范围.
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