
语法填空 I was raised in New York City where it's very cold every winter. In the sixth grade, a teacher offered (bring) some students to a homeless shelter after school. I went with my friends and the teacher for several weeks. , I continued to volunteer to help when they stopped going together. Because I was good sewing, I was told to help out with the sewing kit when any guests needed some repairs. Throughout high school I continued to come each week after school, setting up my sewing kit which (grow) larger and larger. I got to know the guests who came (regular). Later on, I started6、读东亚承接全球IT产业转移的路径(图1)和IT产业全球化竞争的金字塔模式示意图(图2),回答 IT产业在东亚内部各国和地区之间转移的线路中,顺序正确的是 A.乙→①→②、③    B.乙→③→④→②   C.乙→③→④、⑤    D.乙→①→③→⑤
英语 试题推荐