
As the birthplace of kites in the world, Weifang, Shandong province of China, produces beautiful, vivid, colorful and high-quality kites. Now, more than 70% of kites in the world are exported from Weifang. If you want to see various shapes and sizes of kites covering the sky, you cannot miss the Weifang Kite Festival held on the third Saturday of every April.But this year, tens of thousands of Chinese participants gathered in Weifang, from Sept 26 to 29 for the 37th International Kite Festival. Held since 1984, the International Kite Festival is an annual event to “exhibit the excellence of 读我国部分省级行政区图,完成下列各题。1.下列数字所代表的省级行政区简称与省会匹配正确的是( )A. ①--秦---太原 B. ③--湘—武汉 C. ⑤--川—成都 D. ⑧--陇—甘肃2.①省区( )A. 与蒙古国接壤 B. 紧邻首都北京 C. 位于东部沿海 D. 位于西北内陆3.图中各省级行政区中( )A. ②为我国人口最少的省级行政区 B. ④为我国四大直辖市之一C. ⑦是我国面积最小的省级行政区 D. ⑧是我国面积最大的省级行政区
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