
There is a big tree in the deep mountain. A mother eagle(鹰) and her three babies live in the tree.One day the mother eagle said to her babies, “Come to the edge of the nest.” The three babies moved slowly and looked down, being afraid to go too far near the edge. “We are afraid,” they replied as they hid under the safety of their mother’s comfortable wings. “Come here,” she encouraged, “I’ll help you.” They came and with a loving and watchful eye, the mother eagle gently pushed the young babies out of their nest. And being brave, the babies flew up and began their colorfu.某学生用多用电表测量一个电阻的阻值.将选择开关置于“×10”挡时,指针位置如图所示.接着合理的做法是(   )A.换“×1”挡,再读数B.换“×100”挡,再读数C.换“×1”挡,调整欧姆零点后再读数D.换“×100”挡,调整欧姆零点后再读数
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