
阅读短文,并按要求完成文后小题。Kentucky man cooks up a recipe for successOnce, there was an old man living in Kentucky, US. He was poor. He lived in a small house. His car always broke down. At the age of 65, the old man decided to make some changes. So he thought about what he could do. His friends really liked his fried chicken. He thought this was his best chance to make a change. He left Kentucky and traveled to different places to try to sell his recipe(食谱). He told restaurant owners he had an amazing fried chicken recipe. Unluckily, most of the restaurants were not int照样子改写句子。例1:小明说:“这期《少年导报》上有两篇文章太好了,我特别爱看!”小明说这期《少年导报》上有篇文章太好了,他特别爱看。①他说:“我很想去看望我外婆”。例2:大王不能说齐国没有人。大王怎么能说齐国没有人呢?②她不能忽视这个问题。
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