
In high school I had a math teacher, Mrs. Davies, who took her job seriously and expected her students to put forth the same degree of commitment (付出). Strict but fair, she held our attention with her great method. One of her ______ was for students who were more advanced academically. I chose to ______ it and soon realized that the course was a bit over my head. I ____ with the complex problems that others seemed to learn without much effort.One Friday we were tested ______ our ability to use a theorem (定理) that no one in the class thoroughly understood. The teacher would ______ our p据分析,以每张贺卡10克计算,10万张为一吨,造纸每吨约需5.5立方米木材,折合下来制作3000万张贺卡需砍树7500棵.而且在造纸过程中,每吨纸浆产生废水300吨.为此,提出“免赠贺卡”“免用一次性木筷”的倡导的出发点是(  ) A、减少个人经济支出B、节约木材,保护环境C、减少固体垃圾D、移风易俗
英语 试题推荐