
I will never forget the tenth summer of childhood with my grandfather in western Norway at the mountain farm where my mother was born. As a boy ,I always thought people simply bought whatever they need. Whether Grandfather know this, I don’t know. One day he said, ”Come, I have something for you.”I followed him to a workroom. “You should have a toy boat. You can sail it at Storvassdal.” He said. Great, I thought,looking around for the boat. But there was none.Grandfather pointed to a block of wood. “The boat is in there,” he said. Then he handed me some tools and showed me how to下列日常生活用品,用有机合成材料制作的是( )A.瓷花瓶B.食品保鲜膜C.剔骨刀D.玻璃钢餐桌
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