
Blue Planet Ⅱ’s latest episode focuses on how plastic is having a devastating effect on the ocean and slowly poisoning our sea creatures. Researchers recently also found that sea creatures living in the deepest place on Earth, the Mariana Trench, have plastic in their stomachs. Indeed, the oceans are drowning in plastic.Though it seems now that the world couldn’t possibly function without plastics, plastics are a remarkably recent invention. The first plastic bags were introduced in the 1950s, the same decade that plastic packaging began gaining in popularity in the United States. This g图中A~H均为中学化学中常见的物质,A、B、H是气体,它们之间有如图转化关系(反应中生成的水已略去). 请回答以下问题:(1)E是(填化学式),G是(填名称);(2)C物质在日常生活中可作;(3)写出反应①的化学方程式; C与浓盐酸反应,可以生成A气体,写出反应的化学方程式 .
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