
My English name is Helen. I'm 12. I’m from (来自) Beijing. Tracy is 13. She is from London. Her last name is Smith. We are good friends. Tracy likes China and she has a pen friend in Shanghai. My phone number is 932-7706. Tracy’s phone number is 899-7724. Tracy and I are in Paris(巴黎)now. We are in a middle school here. I like music very much. I often sing songs with my friends in my free time. I give (给) Tracy a map of the school. She likes it.Tracy likes the color blue. Her cup, pens and jacket are blue. I like purple. My ruler, cup and phone are purple.【1】Tracy is from __下列化学符号与名称相符合的是( )A.氧元素O2B.氯离子C1-C.碳酸钠NaCO3D.金AU
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