
Roy was a rich and clever boy, but nothing could make him happy. One day, his parents bought him a very old mirror from a mysterious old man. Roy looked into the mirror and saw a_____________ reflection(映像). He tried smiling, but his reflection remained sad-looking. Surprised, Roy went off to buy some sweets, toys and a pair of sports shoes. He then came home as ______________ as he could be, and looked into the mirror again, but he still looked sad in it. Roy got ______________ and said to himself, “What a terrible mirror! It doesn’t work at all! ” Then, he dropped it in a corner.La “莫问桑田事,但看桑落州。数家新住处,昔日大江流。古岸崩欲尽,平沙长未休。想应百年后,人世更悠悠。”唐朝诗人胡玢的诗描述河流沿岸的变化,结合下图和所学知识,回答13-14题。 13.关于图中信息说法正确的是:  (    ) A.M——凸岸堆积     B.N——凸岸侵蚀 C.M——凹岸侵蚀     D.N——凹岸堆积 14.下列叙述正确的是:(    ) A. 诗中描述的情境一般发生在河流的上游 B.“数家新住处”应位于是N地 C.“古岸崩欲尽”是因为地壳垂直运动 D.“平沙长未休”是因为风力堆积作用
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