
This may be the 21st century but when it comes to information communication technology (ICT), the gender divide between boys and girls, shows no sign of closing.This is bad news for the ICT industry where men outnumber women by over five to one. The industry needs at least an extra million recruits(新成员) over the next five years. Obviously, women as well as men are going to have to fill these recruitment gaps. The ICT companies are worried about the shortage of men and women to fill their vacancies(空缺) in the future.It is believed that women are very well suited to working in ICT. The西湖竹枝歌||||阅读下面一首诗,完成1—4题。   西湖竹枝歌         杨维桢   石新妇下水连空①,   飞来峰前山万重。   妾死甘为石新妇,   望郎或似飞来峰。   [注]①石新妇:在杭州西湖边的一块石头,一名望夫石,传为女子望远山的丈夫而化。 (1)这首诗开头同大多数民歌一样,运用了什么表现方法? 答:________________________________________________ (2)这首诗把“石新妇”和“飞来峰”这两个并不连属的景点在一起并举,作用是什么? 答:________________________________________________ (3)“望郎或似飞来峰”一句的意思是什么? 答:________________________________________________ (4)这首诗是一首情歌,表现了女子怎样的思想感情? 答:________________________________________________
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