
阅读理解 Thesedays traveling is getting more and more popular around the world. Four friendswent to different Chinese cities on vacation last winter. Who Where What How Peter Xi'an visited the History Museum and the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑), ate delicious food, bought something special went there by I train; first snowy and then sunny; wonderful Maria Wuhan visited the Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼),the Wuhan Zoo and Wuhan University, met her Internet friend, Ma Lili went there by ship; rainy and kind of cold; inte如图表示下丘脑神经分泌细胞、垂体细胞、甲状腺细胞及它们分泌的激素之间的关系,相关叙述错误的是(  ) A、激素C直接参与靶细胞的物质氧化分解过程,使机体产热量增加B、激素C的合成量过多时,通过反馈调节使激素A,B含量下降C、寒冷刺激时,激素B分泌量增加,作用于靶细胞后立即失活D、激素A是促甲状腺激素释放激素,在毛细血管Ⅰ、Ⅱ均有分布
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