
阅读理解My violin is like a soulmate that whispers words of wisdom to me. Together,we've gone through both tears and happiness.About 12 years ago, I made acquaintance with it following an orderfrom my mom. Many hours of boredom were spent practicing it. And to make thingsworse, the disappointment in my teacher's eyes as I played the wrong notes was likean invisible hammer, striking on my heart. One day, I finally decided: I hate it!By chance, things changed when I was seven. I was at home lying onthe sofa, wondering how those famous violinists dealt with this terrible dilemma(进退两难)15、如图,六角螺母的面是正六边形,它每个内角都相等,则这个正六边形的每一个内角的度数为120°.
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