
阅读理解JackBrown, an office worker, lives in Washington. He inherited (继承) a million dollars when he was 23, but he wasn't happy at all. Whenhis college friends were looking for their jobs, he didn't have to. Jackdecided to live a simple life like everyone else. He gave $ 10,000 of his moneyto a charity (慈善机构) to help poor children live a betterlife. Today he is 36. He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drives a smallcar only, but he is very happy.Upto now Jack has helped some children from poor countries all over the world, bysending them each $ 200 a month. The money wa在少数民族运动会“独竹漂”比赛中,来自贵州的胡朝贵以21′30的成绩获得了60米直道竞速比赛的冠军,图甲是他参加比赛的情景.其划行所用的力与时间的关系如图乙所示. (1)如果他的体重为60kg,竹和划竿的质量分别为15kg、5kg,比赛前要保证他站在竹上不浸入水中,竹的体积至少多大?(忽略划竿浸入水中的体积) (2)若胡朝贵在10s到16s内划行的功率恒为600W,求他在10s到16s划行的距离; (3)他在10s到16s内受到的阻力.
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