
阅读理解 Speakingof children—what child doesn't like to jump around and act sillysometimes? Monkeys are also known for acting silly. So, when kids act up,parents or teachers may tell them to stop monkeying around. It means to dothings that are not useful or serious, or to simply waste time. Now, inthe United States, children do not usually have monkeys as pets, but they dooften have dogs. And dogs make most children feel happy. But for some reason,we use dog in a phrase that means to feel unwell. If you are assick as a dog, you are really sick and will most likely stay home from work ors生活中处处有化学。 (1)碘酒是家庭常备药物,碘酒中的溶剂是          。 (2)加了洗涤剂的水能除去衣服上的油污,是因为洗涤剂有        的功能。 (3)在人体组织里,葡萄糖(C6H12O6)在酶的作用下缓慢氧化,同时放出能量,供机体活动和维持体温的需要,该反应的化学方程式为                              。
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