
阅读下面短文,结合图表内容,按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的短文。Every year, many college students graduate and they feel distressed and confused because they do not know whether they should choose to continue their postgraduate studies or get employed? In fact, either option has its own advantages and disadvantages.If you are passionate about learning and can devote yourself to it, then choose to apply for a postgraduate course. Of course, you can also enter into society to sharpen your skills and enrich your experience after graduation from college or universit某有机物其结构简式如图,关于该有机物,下列叙述不正确的是( )A.能与NaOH的醇溶液共热发生消去反应 B.能使溴水褪色C.一定条件下,能发生加聚反应 D.一定条件下,能发生取代反应
英语 试题推荐