
依次填入下列横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( )一个人在人生的道路上能走多远,在人生的阶梯上能攀多高,自信心起着举足轻重的作用。它是一个人成功的精神支柱,是一个人自觉行动的动力 , 是一个人成长和成才不可缺少的重要心理素质。一个人的自信心,绝不是与生俱来的,而是与后天的生活环境、成长经历以及老师有意识的培养的。 A . 常常 谋取 源泉 休戚相关 B . 常常 牟取 源头 休戚相关 C . 往往 谋取 源泉 息息相关 D . 往往 牟取 源头 完形填空It is a time?proven fact that smile is a language. It is a universal language ___ by the people of every nation, and the commonest way to show our ____ will perfectly without saying anything.One day I was shopping in a small town in California. It was my misfortune to be ____ by a clerk who seemed most ____ and not at all concerned about my intended ____. I bought nothing, and walked ___ out of the store. My anger ____ with each step. Outside, standing at the corner, was a young man in his early twenties. His expressive eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, amazing ____ covered his face. I gave in ____. The power of that shining smile ____ away all my anger, and I found the muscles in my own face happily ____. “Beautiful day, isn't it?” I said. Then, suddenly something inside me sent me turning back. “I really owe you a ____,” I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no ____ to answer. A Mexican woman nearby stepped ____ and said, “Carlos can't speak English,” she volunteered. “Shall I tell him something?” At that moment I felt changed. Carlos' smile had made a big person of me. “Yes,” my ____ was enthusiastic and sincere. “Tell him ‘Thank you!’” “Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly ____. “Just tell him that,” I insisted. “Surely, he'll understand.”What a smile! Although I have ____ seen that young man again, I'll never forget the ____ he taught me. From then on, I became smile?conscious. I practice it ____, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. This action on my part would always draw a good?natured smile ____.1.A.learned B.known C.understood D.done2.A.warm B.good C.cold D.fresh3.A.treated B.entertained C.greeted D.served4.A.amazed B.warm?hearted C.unfriendly D.confused5.A.purchase B.question C.things D.complaint6.A.quietly B.angrily C.suddenly D.recently7.A.grew B.changed C.disappeared D.went8.A.expression B.look C.feeling D.smile9.A.proudly B.happily C.immediately D.luckily10.A.threw B.went C.put D.drove11.A.flying B.satisfying C.responding D.singing12.A.gratitude B.debt C.smile D.chance13.A.idea B.attempt C.mind D.energy14.A.forward B.backward C.upward D.downward15.A.speech B.attitude C.reply D.question16.A.worried B.upset C.delighted D.puzzled17.A.yet B.never C.though D.still18.A.action B.lesson C.word D.song19.A.diligently B.aimlessly C.randomly D.hurriedly20.A.in charge B.in relief C.in favor D.in return
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