
下列关于北宋东京城的叙述,不正确的是( ) A . 商业活动严格限定在“市” B . 出现了夜市和早市 C . 城市中出现了娱乐场所“瓦子” D . 商业活动不再限制在特定区域 答案:A从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏相应的答语 ⅠⅡ 1.Shall we meet outside the park gate?A.I’ve no. idea.What about you? 2.Why don’t you come with me?B.Yes, I am. 3.Would you like to come to supper?C.Certainly. Here you are. 4.How does Lily go to school?D.It’s Saturday. 5.Who is taller, Tom or John?E. No, let’s meet inside. 6.May I borrow your pen?F. I’d love to. but l must ask my parents first. 7.Are you free tomorrow?G. Why not? 8.What day is it today?H. They are playing football. 9.What are you going to do tomorrow?I. By bike. 10.What are they doing?J. John is.
历史与社会 试题推荐