
阅读理解 In February, 2015, a South Korean woman was sleeping on the floor when her robot vacuum ate her hair, forcing her to call for emergency help. It surely isn't what Stephen Hawking warned us that intelligent devices “mean the end of the human race”. But it does highlight one of the unexpected dangers of inviting robots into our home. There are many examples of intelligent technology going bad, but more often than not, they involve cheating rather than physical danger. Meanwhile, increasing evidence suggests that we, especially children, tend to tell our deepest, darkest secrets 12.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,给出如下定义:形如y=a(x-m)2+a(x-m)与y=a(x-m)2-a(x-m)的两个二次函数的图象叫做“兄弟抛物线”.判断二次函数y=x2-x与y=x2-3x+2的图象是否为兄弟抛物线?如果是,求出a与m的值;如果不是,请说明理由.
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