
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 How is your everything going? I am writing toturn to you for help in that I'ma messhere. Asmember of our school basketball team, I amcrazy about basketball and pretty good at it, isprobably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. At first, we played well,but I felt that the team (let)down by our point guide, a key player., it was like he wasn't even on the court!Disappointed by his (behave),I said all this to my best friend. I was just letting off steam really, becauseI was so angry, but then (15分)某校物理兴趣小组举行遥控车比赛,比赛路径如图所示.赛车从A点出发,沿水平桌面运动的距离后从B点飞出,过B点时赛车电源自动关闭,越过壕沟后进入光滑的轨道CD,由D点进入半径为R的光滑竖直圆轨道,离开圆轨道后,继续在光滑平直轨道上运动.图中L=4m,h=1.25m,s=1.5m,R=0.32m.已知赛车质量m=0.1kg,赛车通电后受到恒定的牵引力,在水平桌面上受到阻力恒为0.3N,其它过程阻力不计,赛车越过壕沟进入光滑轨道CD时不反弹且无能量损失,(g取10m/s2).求:(1)赛车要安全越过壕沟,在B点的速度至少多大?(2)赛车要安全通过竖直圆轨道,在D点速度至少多大?(3)赛车要完成比赛,赛车的牵引力至少多大?
英语 试题推荐