
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内的正确形式。As science technology develops, mobile phones have become necessary for Chinese. individual possesses one mobile phone on average. In addition to the elderly and children, the majority the Chinese people are using mobile phones in the age of mobile phone.Over the past few years, the Chinese market of mobile payment (witness) a booming development. With the emergency of the mobile internet, smartphone shopping has (gradual) become trendy, especially with the 18-30-year-olds make up the lion's sha如图是锂原子的构成示意图,根据图示信息回答下列问题:(1)锂原子的结构示意图为DD(填字母).(2)锂元素与氧元素形成的化合物的化学式为Li2OLi2O.(3)下列对原子构成的理解错误的是CC(填字母).A.原子整体不显电性              B.原子核比原子小得多C.原子核是不可分割的实心球体    D.原子质量主要集中在原子核上(4)根据粒子结构示意图的共同特征,把三种微粒归为一类,下列微粒中可以归入此类的是CC(填字母).
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