
配对阅读,左栏是5名学生的兴趣爱好,右栏是某校双减政策后社团的介绍。请为每位学生选 ⑴Kate wants to play music more. She can play the guitar and the drums. She plays the guitar very well. She hopes she can enjoy the music or practice the guitar after class on weekdays. ⑵David wants to join the dance club. He likes street dance. Dancing can help him to show himself. And he feels relaxed when dancing. ⑶Jack likes sports very much. He likes playing ping-pong. But his favorite star is Bruce Lee. So this term he wants to learn Chinese kung fu. ⑷Sarah b读甲、乙、丙三国轮廓及相关事物分布图,完成以下各题。(10分)(1)甲国地形特点:                                               ;乙国人口分布特点:                                              ;丙国铁路分布特点:                                              。(2)关于三国的叙述,正确的是(4分)A.甲国北部种植业发达B.甲国河流冬季封冻期长,航运价值不大C.乙国生物资源、铁矿资源、水资源丰富D.乙国属发展中国家,城市化水平较高E.丙国国土大部分被沙漠覆盖F.丙国石油资源丰富(3)如图是三国人口资料图,a是     国,  b是      国,c是      国。(3分)
英语 试题推荐