
完形填空 James sat outside the office waiting for the interview.He felt so1that he didn't know what to do with himself. The person who had gone in2him had been in there for nearly an hour.And she looked so3when she went in. Not like James,he felt he was4.But the5 was that he wanted this job so much.It6 everything to him.He had thought about it such a lot before the day of the7He had8himself performing brilliantly at the interview and being offered the job9. But now here he was feeling10.He couldn't11all those things he had planed to say.At that moment,he almost12to get up and leave.But no1读“中国政区图”,回答下列问题。(1)北回归线自东向西依次穿过台湾省、、、(填全称)。(2)①是(填简称)。(3)与②相邻的省区有自治区、青海省、省和云南省。(4)江苏东临的海域③是海;③北部的海是海,④是海峡。(5)我国疆界绵长,陆上国界线长 达20 000多千米,相邻的国家有14个,其中⑤是 , ⑥是。(6)我国海岸线长达18 000多千米,与我国隔海相望的国家有6个,其中⑦是 , ⑧是。(7)我国第二大岛屿是。(8)在图中适当位置用⑨标出辽宁省。
英语 试题推荐